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1 Richmond Square Suite 234E
Providence, RI 02906
United States


Stenhouse Consulting provides IT Consulting services to the New England area


Who we are

Our staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to organizations of all sizes and all platforms. We are experienced in all aspects of technology planning and deployment, and will work to provide the most effective solution to meet your needs and budget.

Scott Stenhouse, Founder and President

Scott Stenhouse has been a technology consultant for more than 25 years, starting as a database developer in New York City. He moved to Providence in 1992 and since then has grown Stenhouse Consulting into one of the preeminent technology consulting firms in Rhode Island. Scott currently specializes in database development, accounting, and business processes. He is also an experienced Mac technician with multiple certifications. In his spare time, Scott enjoys music, art, cycling, and kayaking.


Joshua Johnson, Vice President

Joshua has worked with technology for over 20 years in large enterprise environments and small businesses. He has enjoyed writing code, designing databases, configuring servers and networks, improving security, and making technology work well for everyone. He feels the best part of the job is understanding how people use technology and then figuring out how to make it work better for them. For fun he likes to mountain bike, snowboard, and skateboard.

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Jason Loven, Senior Consultant

Jason Loven is an experienced IT professional with over 30 years’ experience in software development, networking as well as IT systems design, deployment, and management, Real Estate investing and rehabilitation, and is a certified Real Estate agent. In his free time Jason enjoys spending time with his family and playing his guitars.

Henry Ferreira, Senior Consultant

Henry graduated from Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in printmaking. While at RISD, he heavily invested his time into bringing new technology into a traditional medium. While most proficient in Apple OS X, Henry has worked with a variety of clients to help further their technological goals. In his spare time, he explores his passion for cooking and fine art.


Jacob Aranda, Consultant

Jacob grew up with a love for technology, tinkering with anything he could get his hands on. In high school, he took Computer Science courses at CCRI and Brown University as well as interning at Brown and here at Stenhouse. He is currently pursuing his BS in Computer Information Systems at RIC. He enjoys spending his free time playing competitive video games and following e-sports.

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Tim Faulkner, Consultant 

Tim graduated from Brown University with an English Literature and Creative Writing degree, but he’s never strayed far from his love of technology. Tim has more than 15 years of experience as a graphic designer, web developer, database/GIS administrator, and IT specialist. As a lifelong Apple user, Tim’s most comfortable and adept with the Mac platform, yet he has extensive experience supporting home users and businesses using Windows and other platforms. When at work Tim enjoys finding solutions to new challenges; in his spare time he enjoys reading old books.

DJ Thomas, Consultant

Originally from Idaho, DJ is a U.S Navy veteran with 15 years of experience managing Department of Defense assets across Linux, Unix, and Windows operating systems. He is an outstanding support technician and brings his excellent problem-solving skills and to both corporate and non-profit clients of all sizes.

Aileen Velez, Administrative Associate

Aileen graduated from Rhode Island College with a degree in accounting. At Stenhouse, she assist clients with billing and payment, and takes pride in providing helpful and fair solutions to their needs. When not working, she loves to spend time with loved ones (especially those with four legs) and indulging in a good book.